Our objective

The GCC Accreditation Center aims to enhance its position, achieve its goals, and empower its structure by applying the recommended global practices and cooperating with international bodies in the field of the accreditation.

Our vision

Leadership in achieving confidence for conformity assessment bodies in member states

Our mission

Providing distinguished accreditation services to achieve confidence in the conformity assessment system in the member states to enhance product safety, develop the industry and facilitate trade exchange in partnership with the concerned parties

Success indicators

Our achievements


Accredited bodies


Assessors and experts


Trainees during 2022


GAC agreements

GAC Establishment

The GCC Accreditation Center was established with the approval of the ministers concerned with standardization in the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf and the Republic of Yemen as an independent body that provides accreditation services to conformity assessment bodies and activities related to accreditation such as training and awareness, as well as representing member states in international forums related to accreditation activities around the world.

It should be noted that the establishment of the GCC Accreditation Center was the result of a technical study carried out by the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) to study the quality infrastructure in the member states.


GAC is IAF and ILAC signatory member as well as signatory to the regional accreditation groups such APAC (Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation), ARAC (Arab Accreditation Cooperation) and IHAF (International Halal Accreditation Forum), the ILAC & IAF signatory scopes are as follows:

ILAC signatory for:
  • Calibration: ISO/IEC 17025
  • Testing: ISO/IEC 17025
  • Medical Testing: ISO 15189
  • Inspection: ISO/IEC 17020
IAF signatory for:
  • Product Certification: ISO/IEC 17065
  • Management System Certification: ISO/IEC 17021-1

For further details refer to the links on international bodies logos.

The budget of GAC

  • GAC have the financial resources covered through the funds from fees for its accreditation services as well as funds as are made available annually by the GCC member states.